Mia’s (aka Buttercup) 1st Christmas & first plane ride to Colorado! She was spoiled rotten. And I was spoiled with a calendar called “365 days of Mia”. I’m slightly obsessed lol. Merry Christmas!!
Hi! We are doing great! Minny is the best ever. Her personality is just so fun such a little diva and she’s obsessed with me and very protective. We love her so much! Here is a photo and video for you to share.
Hi Tammy,
Cuddle Bug (Bella) is doing great! She and Piper love playing together and Piper loves being the big sister!
Our next door neighbors may contact you. Their children love on Bella and Piper everyday and are very sweet with them.
I recall you get a lot of requests. They are a great family and would be excellent dog owners.
Valerie & Family, Michelle and I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Here we are Christmas Eve with our precious little Poppy and Coco. They are both such fantastic little dogs and our entire family loves them so much. We are looking forward to meeting Heather Chestnut's (my daughter) little girl in February. Thank you for breeding such wonderful little dogs.
- Barbara Stewart
Today is my precious little Coco's 1st birthday!
I thought you may like to see these photos that I took today. My husband and I love her so very much. She is so smart, beautiful and adorable. Coco has a surprise coming tomorrow! We will be taking care of two of her half sisters for a week while their mom (Heather) goes on vacation.
Barbara Stewart
Hi Y'all,
Andrew and I just wanted to send you a few pictures and quick little update on Jed! He is 9 months old today and is such a wonderful addition to our family. Everyone comments on how adorable, social, smart, and loving he is. We take him over to Duke's campus often to visit with the college students and brighten their days! We went to visit my parents in Washington State for the holidays and he flew on the long cross-country plane ride like a pro - no crying, barking, or potty accidents. He was such an easy boy to house train and is very good at sit, down, stay, and go. He is learning how to consistently give "high fives" right now. He loves playing with other dogs, rather big or small. He also just loves being outside and has enjoying lounging out in the sun during this warm winter.
Hoping you are all well
Sarah Barton
Hey, Zillie is amazing! We can't believe how sweet she is and how good she is with the boys. She loves giving lots of kisses and being loved on. She is so smart and crate training is going great. She is even sleeping through the night. I have been training her to sit and she has already caught on. She weighed 2.4 pounds at the vet this week. Here are a few pics of her. Thank you so much for our little girl...we LOVE her.
We are enjoying our warrior Princess. She plays hard and sleeps hard. She's so sweet. I'm so happy we got Leia from you. Our Vet said she checks out perfect. Thank you for providing such precious pups!! Blessings!! Karen
This is Cali and she was added to our family February 4th 2017. We just love her! She brings so much joy and laughter to our family. Cali is so smart and she keeps us on schedule as she likes to wake her sister up at 7 am for school with lots of kisses. I am so happy I found Ginger's Maltese and am thankful for Cali.
Thought it was time for me to send an update from Misto! Can't believe he is 8. Not only is he a loving, sweet dog...he's an athlete! He has competed in 2 national agility competitions and got his champion level in Canine Performance Events this year. We are working our way up in USDAA now. He loves to flyyyyyy! Love him soooo much!
-Michelle McHale (bought in 2009)
I just wanted to let you know how much we love having Bess (a.k.a. Elsa). She is such a sweet puppy and she makes us laugh with all her funny puppy antics. She is incredibly smart and amazes us with her ability to learn new things. She loves her big sister(Boo) and our whole family is crazy about her.
Here are a few pictures.
Thank you so much.
Richmond, VA
He had a SUPER first night, no crying other than a potty call around 4:am. He is absolutely the most loving, adaptable, friendly, clever puppy I have ever encountered. We are all totally smitten.
They are completely rotten so full of love and such a joy to our family. Our house would be very lonely without them.
Sanford NC
Bentley and Dempsey - Two of MiMi's puppies that just turned four years old!
Just wanted to drop you an email and a picture to tell you how grateful we are for our wonderful puppy. This is Cy...formerly “Patrick” and he just turned four months old. The kids adore him and we can’t imagine life without him in it. He has been the perfect “first pet” for our family. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to have Cy join our family.
The Renshaw Family
Jeremy, Rachel, Brooklyn, Jace and Madison
Sara Holliday 6-3-19
Hi Valerie. Max is doing pretty well! He’s sleeping through the night for the most part and is doing good with potty training. He has had a few accidents but overall he goes to the door when he needs to potty. He’s very energetic and loving and full of kisses, which just melts my heart. His personality is changing everyday and it’s so fun to watch him mature. My family and I are in love with him and truly blessed to have him apart of the family.
Julia Lawson 8-5-19
I just wanted to tell you that Billiegene and Lily are enjoying each other so much. She brought her in to see me at my office today. Lily is doing great at about 8 pounds now. She is so sweet and just about licked my face off. I couldn’t believe how much she has grown. She is well loved and cared for. Billiegene said that all the worries and anxiety she had before getting her is completely gone. This has given her a new lease on life! She is so happy now and not lonely anymore. So thank you for selling her to her and raising such quality pups.
Emmie is doing great! She has adjusted well to the family and is such a good little girl! Love her SO much! Thanks for everything ❤️
Tammy Worthington

Hey Ginger, She was perfect in the car ride, She just laid there the whole time and didn't get car sick at all. The second we got out the car she went to the bathroom in the grass. Lola has been a great addition to our family, she has adjusted perfectly! She is such a playful and gentle puppy! I will send you some pictures this weekend :) Thank you so much for letting our family have her, we absolutely adore her! As we speak she is fast asleep in her bed!
May 2012
Ginger, I think we got the SWEETEST puppy EVER from you! Taylor kept her name Daisy and she has been soooo great with the potty training. No accidents yet!! She loves to fall asleep in the bed with Taylor then my husband and I sneak in and steal her away for awhile to play with. Thanks again! We are trying to talk our friends into getting one!!
Julie from Haw River, NC